20 Unique & Fun Scripture Memory Tools for Moms & Kids

20 Unique & Fun Scripture Memory Tools for Moms & Kids

20 Unique & Fun Scripture Memory Tools for Moms & Kids 288 288 Mona Corwin

In last week’s post, Fight for your Family… want to know how? we learned why having scripture on the tip of your tongue is a tool for defense in protecting your family from evil. And that tool is a must for today’s mothers and wives.

Staying tethered to what God says about things is the surest way to fight for your family. Bottom line, nothing else does what His word can.

This week, it’s all about the methods. I have a list of unique and practical ways to “show you the how” in memorizing scripture and teaching your kids how to with you.

Honestly, it has to start with you. You were made by God to bring life into your family. You are uniquely equipped to bring the transforming life of God’s word into your family. This all starts when you experience the revelation of scripture and it becomes real in your own life.

Methods and Apps for You

Some of these are my tried and true, and some I haven’t tried either but am excited to.

1. Fighter Verse App

This is my new go-to app for memorizing scripture.


  • 1000+ verses pre-loaded
  • Choice of six Bible translations
  • Three unique quizzes
  • Configurable schedule for weekly memorization
  • Review function
  • “My Verses” allows you to add your own verses
  • Includes “Foundation Verses” – a collection of verses for preschool children
  • Links to songs, weekly blog posts and much more!

2. Scripture Typer

Amazing app. Type it. Memorize it. Master it.

Works for 3 types of learners: audio, visual & kinesthetic.

  • 10 translations
  • 55 categories of verses
  • challenging game type
  • record your verses and play them back

3. YouVersion Bible App

The most all around app around. 160 million devices worldwide can’t be wrong. It’s got a lot in it but that can be distracting when just memorizing scripture. A must on my phone.


4. Power of Persuasion

Love this method. Set your phone alarm for different times of the day. It could be a wake-up call or a task driven alarm.

Set your alarm time. Use a scripture ora scripture address for the alarm label. How much better would the morning or task be if God’s word was the first thing coming out of your mouth at the sound of an alarm?

Instead of “ugh, its time to wake up?” you say, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24

  • Exercise alarm

She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong.” Proverbs 31:17

  • Wake kids/make breakfast

             “She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household.” Proverbs 31:15

  • Lunch alarm

            “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

We all need to be persuaded to do certain things. Let’s do them with the word on our lips.

5. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

You probably already do this one. But it is the best!

Write your verse on your bathroom mirror. While you are brushing your teeth, day and night, repeat it. Of course you’d have to do that in your head because the toothbrush is in your mouth!

6. Log in your memory

Quite simple. Change the password on your computer to the verse address of the day. Like: John 3:16. Then, before you open your computer you recite the verse.

7. Pop it-Post it notes

Seems simple, but this method incorporates two tried and true methods; writing and the element of surprise.

Write your verse on ten different sticky notes. Then post those notes around your life. Whenever you see one, your brain will “pop” into the scripture. When it does, say it out loud. This is actually scientific and simple.

8. Notecard ring

This has been my go-to for years. I learned it from Beth Moore, and that girl knows her scripture. Now I do, too.

I keep a notecard spiral with all my scriptures that I learn in it. It’s fun to keep track.

9. Word Swag App





You know you do it for everything else! Now, do it for scripture. I just did one with my own pictures – check it out on my Instagram.

10. [modal_text_link name=”scriptureguide” class=”” id=””]Scripture Guide[/modal_text_link]

This is my personal guide. A quick resource sheet that lists lies that need to be removed and the truth scriptures that transform and bring truth to every lie. (This guide is free for you. I’m almost done with it – Making it oh so pretty! [modal_text_link name=”scriptureguide” class=”” id=””]Click here[/modal_text_link] and I’ll send it to your inbox when I get it done.)

[modal name=”scriptureguide” title=”I want the Scripture Guide!” size=”small” background=”” border_color=”” show_footer=”no” class=”” id=””][mc4wp_form id=”5639″][/modal]

BONUS Music: The Word of God

I’m so glad God gave these musicians the talent and that they are using it in this unconventional way. Not only is this good for memorizing scripture, this is great background music for your home during the day. Your subconscious mind is always listening.

KIDS MEMORY TOOLS (That you can use too!)

1. Draw Your Sword

Found this one on Pinterest I love it.

draw your sword scripture knifes






2. Adventure Bible Memory HD app


Love this one!

Bible memory is fun for kids with the Adventure Bible Memory HD app for the iPad. Try this free version of Adventure Bible Memory HD to experience the features in the full app. Do verse scrambles by filling in the blank, choose easy/medium/hard, and earn cool prizes like adventurous pictures and sounds. Even record your own voice reading. Great for multiple users.



3. 365 Bible Promises 

UnknownThis app is similar to the Jesus Calling app. It is a good source for simple scriptures to memorize for kids.

This app allows you to have the scripture ready on your phone, providing a perfect time for little ones and those moments when you are waiting.

(Deuteronomy 11:19 “Teach them as you go.”)


4. Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt

This happens once a week when you introduce the scripture of the week. I hope you like this – it’s an original from monacorwin.org!

Choose a scripture. Ex: “The joy of the Lord is my Strength.” Jeremiah 8:10

  • Write each word or a phrase from the scripture on individual sticky notes. Also include the location of the next note.
  • When they reach a location they are given one more word to add to that weeks scripture.
  • At each location they will find one more word that adds to the scripture verse. They then read the previous found words and the new one before they can hunt for the next sticky.
  • When they have all the notes they are sent back to where they started. They all repeat the verse (its ok to read it) and receive something “sticky” like candy or sticky buns.

These little detectives are now ready memorize that scripture for the week.

5. See it. Say it. Eat it.

Scripture is sweeter than honey.

We all like rewards. Here’s an end-of-the-week scripture memorizing reward.

Display the scripture in your kitchen in a prominent spot. You can use:

  • A wipe board
  • A large photo frame that has glass in it. Put a pretty piece of paper under the glass – nothing too busy because you will need to see the scripture written on the glass with a wipe-off marker.

Now, put a bowl of candy next to it. At the end of the week or end of the day, have the kids recite their scripture. See it. Say it. Eat it. Scripture memory can be sweet.

6. Jesus Calling for Kids

Jesus_Calling_iphone-ipad2kidsYou can try it for free for 7 days but you’re going to want it after that. This app is intended to be a daily devotional, yet it is a great source for your weekly scriptures. It even has a little conversation starter under the verse.




7. Craft Stick Memory Fun


I found this darling idea on Pinterest. It provides another fun way to introduce the weekly family scripture together.






8. Builder Dad Scripture Activity

This can be used for large sections of scripture or small ones.

  • Write scripture words or phrase on separate sticky notes or pieces of masking tape
  • Tape them to blocks or Legos
  • Put blocks in a bowl on table
  • After dinner, pass the bowl and allow everyone to draw out a few blocks
  • Everyone stays seated as Dad reads the first word of the week’s scripture
  • Then Dad says, “Who’s got the second building block?”
  • The family helps decide who’s got the right one and passes the piece to Dad
  • Dad then leads them in reciting of the partial scripture and then asks again- “who’s got the next building block?”
  • Dad continues to ask and build until that scripture is complete


We are a music family and know the power of singing. Try these:

9. Scripture Memory Songs: Verses About Being Special

Sing and learn by topics. This one focuses on being brave.






10. Seeds Family Worship: Power of Encouragement


It’s not free but worth the money.

Listen to it on iTunes before you buy. Then download it and start memorizing scripture. (CDs available on Amazon)


That’s it! 10 for you and 10 for them!

Which ones are you going to try? Join the community of moms on my Facebook page.

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Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community