5 Essentials You Need to Know to Raise Secure Kids

5 Essentials You Need to Know to Raise Secure Kids

5 Essentials You Need to Know to Raise Secure Kids 150 150 Mona Corwin

Ever look at your kids and wonder how the same kids living in the same house could be so different?

I mean one kid will crumble under a serious correcting glance and the other one has you feeling like CPS might be coming soon. One might color all day and the other doesn’t want to do anything but talk.

Of course the answers isn’t difficult. They are all different because they were created different.

We all want our children to be secure in their abilities. But the more important goal is for them to find security in the Gift Giver himself- God.

I have 5 kids and none are the same. They don’t even dress the same except when they had to wear uniforms at school.

Consequently not every method or activity will work for every one of your kids. But not to worry. God gave you mumma eyes and you will be able to see and direct them.  In my “Design Your UnRivaled MomLife” the women are discovering their identity, callings and unique abilities. And as moms you can help your children find theirs too.

Helping them discover their identity and unique abilities is part of what mothering is all about. And you have a front row seat for the action.

I’ve been front row watching for years and my best piece of advice…

Don’t miss the greatest treasure about their gifts and talents which is this – they come special to them from God.

We all want our children to be secure in their abilities. But the more important goal is for them to find security in the Gift Giver himself- God.
Here are 5 points to grow secure kids:

#1. Point them to the gift giver – God.

Show them from Gensis that they were created in God’s image and have value because of His love and not in their performance.

#2.  They have a part to play.

Not only did God create them in his image He also created them uniquely for the timeslot they live in.

#3. Gifts and Talents make life fun and fulfilling.

You want them to enjoy their gifts and talents but to also understand that they were given to bless others too. It is through these special traits that God’s character and love shows up.

#4. It takes time.

They don’t have to be the best or perfect at a gift or talent for it to be fun. Just grow and learn and that you will be there to help.

#5. Security only comes from God.

Being good at something can give you confidence and that’s a good thing. But if your security and purpose is found in your gifts and talents you will never fully enjoy them. Knowing that God gives gifts and talents with a path and a plan in mind keeps us looking to Him for direction and success.

Life can be confusing as you are growing and that’s why God gave kids parents. Parents are the ones that help and direct. How wonderful to know that someone is watching over you and will help you find the way. And pointing them to the Gift Giver is the best way to raise kids that not only find security in God but also find refuge, grace and love too.

What special things do you see in each of your children? Make a list and start asking God to help you find their gifts and talents.

Share this with another mom you love.

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community