Tips for Remembering 9/11 With Your Kids

Tips for Remembering 9/11 With Your Kids

Tips for Remembering 9/11 With Your Kids 590 350 Mona Corwin

The date September 11, 2001 will forever be part of our national history. It will always be a day that produces mixed feelings in us as Americans. The horror and the triumph of a nation changed us all.

As moms we will have the honor and responsibility to explain it to our kids. (Read this blog or watch the video)

If you’re like me you might take a big gulp and just hope that the school will handle it. But I want to encourage you to take this event and use it as a teaching moment. It’s a perfect time for you to communicate some deep truths.

Here are some tips for sharing:

  1. Why it’s important for us to remember.

When history is not learned from it can be repeated. Mistakes and victories are learning tools if they are remembered. We remember the holocaust so that such a awful thing will not happen again. We remember Rev. Martin Luther King speech so that we are inspired again.

  1. Age appropriate videos.

The Internet has provided a open forum for video and pictures. Use caution and age appropriate visuals.

  1. Use and teach empathy.

Help your children understand how the people of 9-11 must have been feeling. Ask them questions about everyone involved like the families, police, media, and even the terrorist.

  1. Forgiveness

Talking about this level of evil can cause anger and frustration among us all. This is a great time to teach forgiveness and topics like “hate the sin pray for the sinners.”

  1. Sacrifice

There were many hero’s in the story of 9-11. Find stories about some of them.

  1. Courage

Honor the first responders and spend a good deal of time talking about courage.

  1. Patriotism

This is a great time to discuss the strength of a nation to overcome and why building memorials is good.

God uses hard things and times to grow us. Shine some light on the way our nation overcame, stayed strong, fought evil and rebuilt in memory.

Hard conversations can be hard but don’t run from them. You lil Mumma were made for this kind of teaching.

You and your man are the most invested people in your child’s world. You are the ones that will be able to use these kinds of events to teach the values and virtues that are important to your family.

You got this!

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Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community