How to Get Vision When Your Life is in Ruins

How to Get Vision When Your Life is in Ruins

How to Get Vision When Your Life is in Ruins 1919 2560 Mona Corwin

On Mornings with Mona we’ve been talking about vision and dreams for your life for the last few weeks. Getting a vision for what our momlife could be has been fun.

BUT— sometimes it’s hard to dream and have vision cuz everything seems like it’s in ruins. You might feel like you can’t dream anymore.

I get it. 

Despite what you see on Instagram EVERYBODY feels like that sometimes. Everyone battles fear and disappointment in their man, their kids or even themselves.

I’m not here to tell you that your feeling of defeat or your ruins aren’t real, cuz they just might be. You might think that as a Mom Mentor I’d be all like… try harder or fake it till you make it.

Nope. That might work for an hour but won’t give you hope or results.

What I am going to do is point you to a man in the Bible that had a burden for his ruins. He took a good look at it and got a plan. Then went to work to rebuild it. Brick by brick; stone by stone.

And friend when he was done his people had a firm foundation and a promise for a good future. This story offers us great hope.

Nehemiah is this man.

We find this Old Testament guy deep in sorrow and depression as he considered the ruins of his beloved city and it’s people.

It was in shambles. The people were vulnerable to the enemies around them. They were not safe or secure with the way things were. They had no vision and seemingly no one to help them.

But God saw them and heard the prayers of Nehemiah.

God sent Nehemiah with a vision and a plan to repair the walls and the gates. And those people did it in 52 days. It was hard and there was a lot of opposition. Read the story it’s inspiring. (Nehemiah 1-13 better than a Netflix movie)

If God can repair the walls and gates of that Old Testament city, surely He can do it for your family, marriage and home.

1.Be honest with yourself.

Look your life straight on and be real. There comes a time when we all have to look into the mirror of meaning. What’s your marriage really look like? Your kids? Your home? Yourself? Make a list. Go ahead pour it out. You can’t build what you don’t recognize as broke.

2. Have an ugly cry.

I know I just told you to wallow a little. I did say a little though. But honestly if you don’t look at the ruins and be sad over it you might settle back in to thinking life is just going to be this way forever.

3. Now wipe your tears. Grab a cup of Joe.

Grab that list. Take that massive emotional mess on paper and put it aside for a sec. Now close your eyes and pray. Tell God you want a new vision and a better plan. One HE designs.

Open your eyes and get a new piece of paper. Now make a new list. What life would be like if things were different? And no you can’t run off to the Caribbean alone. HA. I’ve wanted to too, but trust me it does not work.

Look at the ruins list. (Be careful you don’t focus on that ruins list. Remember you already had your cry for today.)

Imagine what each one of those things would look like if they were rebuilt. Go ahead be extravagant with yourself. Write a new dream for every thing on the “ruins list”. Note: You can add to or remove any part of this new list in the days to come. For now just – go for it – dream super big.

Congrats! Do a party dance. You, Lil Mumma have just cast vision for your ruins.

3. Take control of what happens next. Yep you.

Not your man. Not your kids. YOU. Reverse engineer how to get from ruins to rebuilt. Focus on YOUR part. Look at each dream and ask yourself what would be the first step that would to move you from where you are to where you dream to be? (If you need help find a mentor to bounce things around with.)

4. Take Massive Action.

Again. You. Yep, You. Put those steps in your planner. And keep the promise to yourself that you WILL do them. You keep your promises to your kids, the teachers and even the dentist for heaven’s sake. Keep your promises to precious you. Put a timer in your phone if you have to but- just do it.

GET A BIG SMILE ON GIRL. You can do this. Be confident that God will be with you like He was with Nehemiah. Need more confidence? Schedule a Mom Mentoring Session with me and let’s see if we can jump-start your rebuilding.

Oh, and here’s your song for the week. Music always helps. This song about confidence that still inspires me.

What’s the wall or gate that you need to rebuild? Or what’s standing in your way? Comment below

Don’t miss “Mornings With Mona Live” Every weekday. Here’s the one where I talk about vision.

Join our Mom Mentoring Community. Don’t do this MomLife alone.

And you’ll always find me up to something on Instagram.


Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community