Breathing Life Into A Generation

Breathing Life Into A Generation

Breathing Life Into A Generation 1000 667 Mona Corwin

Tear-filled words were coming across the phone line. Yet another young mom was looking to me for comfort.

Checking my schedule, I found that there wasn’t room for even one more mentoring session. I offered a quick coffee time to help in the moment, but ongoing mentoring just wasn’t available. I’d have to put her on the waiting list.

Ugh. The waiting list! I hated hearing the words come out of my mouth. This precious woman, who longed to make godly choices and learn how to deal with struggles in her marriage and home, was put on a list. My heart sunk to think I could not spend time with her. I knew the struggles she was enduring, and I knew from my own life that God had answers.

No woman seeking help should ever be without a listening ear. God created us to be in relationships, to learn from each other, to comfort and encourage each other.

Mentoring, or as some call it discipleship, is God’s method for passing down Biblical truths and disciplines. It’s about learning, loving, and pointing, lots of pointing. Not pointing in condemnation or judgment, but pointing to ideas, solutions and God’s word. But mostly pointing to Jesus, His character and becoming more like Him.

Mentors provide a guiding, encouraging voice that’s been there before. They can help point out lies of the enemy and pitfalls while lovingly encourage others through the “messy middle.”  You know, that place between where they are struggling and where they will be after they renew their minds.

The number of women desiring to be mentored is staggering. How did this wonderful gift from God fade away to the point that many don’t even know it exists?

The enemy of God’s people does not want us finding truth within community. He knows the power of a woman. Perhaps that’s why in Genesis 2 he approached Eve first.  Women influence those around them. Eve’s name means: giver of life. As Eve’s daughters, our life-giving ability is not just contained to giving birth to children. As women, we can bring life and speak life into every situation and relationship in our everyday world.

While the TV talk shows and magazines covers aren’t chatting about this valuable gift called mentoring, God’s church is certainly awakening to the power of it. There is a ground swell that is crossing this nation as women are discovering the lost art of mentoring relationships. Seeing this hunger in women has propelled me to created this website, and offer virtual online mentoring.

In the months to come The Balanced MomLife will be offering online mentoring. You will be able to sign up for a time with me in group or personal life coaching. Grab a bunch of your mom friends and sign up for one of my private group life coaching sessions. Travel together with women you love as you all discover who you are, what your good at, and how to live your unique story. (sign up here to be notified when the Jan. MomLife Coaching Sessions open for enrollment.)

Truth be told, I’m not the hero in this life coaching thing. I’m the guide. You lil mumma are the hero of your own story. Want to start writing it? Want to have words to make it clear where you are and where your going in your marriage, mothering and own life? Well, that’s what mentoring and life coaching are all about. Sign up for my weekly emails where I’ll speak life into your momlife.

I want to help you breathe life into your womanhood, your motherhood and your marriage. God created you with gifts and talents and He has a plan for your life. And you know what lil Mumma? He’s not hiding it from you. Get in on one of these mom mentoring groups and let’s find that unique story that’s yours alone.

Thinking, breathing deep, hugs,


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Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community