The Action that Nailed My Abominable Heart

The Action that Nailed My Abominable Heart

The Action that Nailed My Abominable Heart 2316 2317 Mona Corwin

Totally convicted today. I was reminded of an old familiar sin. And because I want to keep this blog real, I decided to share it with you. If you can’t relate, at least pray for us that are tempted with this sin that God calls- an abomination.

Looking at me from the outside you’d never know that I would participate in a sin so bad that God would label it an abomination. Don’t think such things hide behind this bright smile? Think again.

But, before I tell all, let’s unpack God’s list of abominable sins.

Proverbs 6:16

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:

haughty eyes, a lying tongue,and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans,feet that make haste to run to evil,

a false witness who breathes out lies,and one who sows discord among brothers.

I remember the first time I saw this list. I get that “shedding innocent blood” is an abomination, but the rest? That word seemed too strong. With all the evil in the world, the list didn’t seem so abominable. Thinking the translation a little harsh, I studied further.

To my surprise I learned all these traits could be found in one action. One little itty-biddy action- Gossip!

I thought, “That can’t be right,” so I studied deeper and landed on Proverbs 26:22-25. It nailed my heart. All seven abominations were found within a heart that gossiped.

Proverb 26:22-25

The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the

inner parts of the body. Like the glaze covering an earthen vessel are

fervent lips with an evil heart. Whoever hates disguises himself with

his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously,

believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart;

Gossip and slander darken a heart God meant for love and compassion.

I’ve thought over the last week. As I surveyed my own heart for this sin, it didn’t take long for me to find it. Conviction swept over my soul. Yep, My hand’s up, I’m guilty. Not all the time, but lots of times for sure.

I don’t like finding out where I am missing the mark. But I never mind the Holy Spirit convicting me. Always faithful, He is a truth- revealer, cheerleader, always encouraging and equipping me for right living.

Here’s some of what I learned.

  • Gossip: A person who habitually retells private, scandalous,  or sensational and often inaccurate information <her life ruined by a vicious old gossip>
  • Gossiping: Better known as spilling the beans, telling tales or in Christian circles, shared so we can pray. To disclose something, often of questionable veracity, that is better kept to oneself.
  • The Result: What about the shedding of blood thing? Rabbis considered slander of ones character and reputation as a murderous act. Verses 20–21 describe the slanderer as the fuel that maintains quarrels. In the absence of such a person, old hurts can be set aside, and discord can die a natural death. Even so, we often find a juicy tidbit of defamation irresistible. Verse 22 is a warning to the reader. Gossip makes its way to the innermost being of the hearer; that is, it corrupts the soul.

Convinced gossip needed to be kick out of my life, I agreed with God. But I had a few questions for Him.

How could I:

  • Counsel or find additional help for those I minister to if I didn’t hear their stories?
  • Know what was going on in my daughter’s school if she didn’t tell me?
  • Be a good helpmate by offering advice if my husband couldn’t communicate situations?

I found my answer in one word. Motive. When asking a colleague for advice or hearing my daughter’s hurting heart, what is going on in my soul? What is the motive of my heart? Checking Proverbs 6- am I haughty, rushing to evil, lying, stirring up contention between people? Or is my soul full of compassion, desiring to help, pray and bring healing to the hurting?

Beware: Gossip is not Gods answer to problem solving. Compassion, empathy and Biblical truth are.

Friend, I think we all know when we are legitimately concerned and when we are gossiping. But just in case, check for these phrases as clues.

  • “What were they thinking when they…”
  • “You are not going to believe this…”
  •  Or the famous “I’m only telling you this so you will pray”

Convicted? Yep, enough said here.

My strongest desire is to speak life and truth into others lives. I desire to help them find places where the enemy has placed devices for destruction and stop him with God’s truth and love.

I thank the Holy Spirit for the heart check today as I am reminded again that gossip is-sin. I hope that next time you or I lean in and start to whisper we instead hear the Holy Spirit sharpening our minds to be wise. By checking our motives we can help and not hurt the people we are called to serve.

Anyone have advice or insight for the rest of us to glean from? Please comment below. Let’s sharpen each other today and choose to speak life.>[/fusion_text]

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community