Mediocre MomLife?Find Freedom

Mediocre MomLife?Find Freedom

Mediocre MomLife?Find Freedom 1560 2348 Mona Corwin

NOTE: This blog post is a firm one from Mumma Mona.  Please hear it with my sweetest “I adore you” voice.  I want you to be challenged and growing so I’m not going to give you hype I’m gonna give you hope and direction. Love ya sweetie.

Just finished the 4 part “Never Enough” series on Mornings With Mona. The links are below.

I did this series because it seemed to me that everywhere moms are being told it’s ok to have a messed up mediocre mom life.

Telling each other that it’s ok to not shower or cook a meal for your kids. Crackers and yoga pants with spit up on them is a-ok girl. You’re Enough Girl they cry out! Really?

Ugh… that just makes me nuts! How about you?

No one would tell you that showing up at an accounting job half educated or in your pj’s would be ok?  So why is it that motherhood is seen as just the messy mediocre season of life that you just get through until you can do the things that you were meant to do!

Yep I’m on my soapbox! But I believe you were meant for more as a mom, wife and a woman.

As a Mom Mentor to mom’s I get frustrated when motherhood, marriage and home are a down grade that we just shuffle through. I hate the never enough syndrome and comparison that ensues when moms don’t know what the mom life is suppose to look like.

I want moms to be pros at motherhood and home. Heck most of you have degrees. Your smart girls. You didn’t get that way by just hanging around. You set your self to learning and learn you did. What if you really aren’t enough? I addressed this in the videos.

So thats why I have dedicated my life to helping moms go pro! Teaching skills, tools and processes that take your mothering, marriage and home to the next level.

I learned as I was going pro that God wants us to put family and home first place after Him. So I help you grow spiritually and practically.

Don’t settle for a half hearted “you’re enough” post. Set your mind to take your mom life pro by learning and seeking truth and skills. So as you nail goals and accomplish challenges you will truly be able to say, “in this area I’m not only enough, I’m nailing it!

Hugs, Mona

PS> Watch for the Insider next week. I’ve got something for you to take the Cray Cray Christmas season and make it Jingle!


Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community