Is JESUS Real? Q&A for after Easter Wonderings

Is JESUS Real? Q&A for after Easter Wonderings

Is JESUS Real? Q&A for after Easter Wonderings 500 332 Mona Corwin

The eggs are cracked and the chocolate bunnies are all eaten. Easter has come and gone. As grown ups we know all that Easter Bunny stuff isn’t real. It all seems simple enough, until you consider Jesus. Ever wonder if he’s just part of the make believe tradition? Or was he really a man?

Were you one of the millions that sat in a church pew on Easter Sunday and heard about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus? You might have even started watched the NBC miniseries “A.D.- The Bible Continues’. It’s seemed like the holiday thing to do, right?

Yet today has found you wondering if what you heard about Jesus is just a grown up version of the Easter Bunny. Is Jesus real? You want to believe but admit you have some doubts.

It may encourage you to know that God doesn’t want us to have blind faith. He doesn’t expect us to leave our intellect outside the church doors. He knows we are curious, and sometimes doubting humans. After all, He did create us. There is evidence for the faith we proclaim.

Fun Facts:

  • Jesus fulfilled over 353 Prophecies about himself. Many could never be manipulated.
  • Over 500 people saw the risen Christ. (1 Cor 15:6)
  • Jesus was on the earth for 40 days after He was resurrected. (Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:3)
  • Jesus ate fish after His resurrection. (Luke 24:35-48
  • And there is so much more.

God is pleased to give us a reason for the hope He offers. I think He likes seeing us have an ah-ha moment. He wants us to choose and choose well. And to do that we must know the facts so we can in fact-choose well.


“Be ready always to give an answer,

a ready defense, to every man that ask you

a reason of the hope that is in you.”

1 Peter 3:15   

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I have been on this journey for facts myself. Years ago, I determined to know for real- that what I really believed was real, was in fact really real. It took some time to study and think but in the end what I found was a firm foundation to build my faith and hope upon. Someone helped me and I want to help you.

While it is true that I have been called a “word nerd” or a “sermon junkie”, I am a stickler for facts. The following list of books and sermons may not read like a romance novel, but they will reinforce one of the greatest love stories of all time. The story of God, Jesus His son, and their love for us.

Game Changing Books

“I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” by Geisler and Turek

If you only want to get one book, I’d pick this one. It is outstanding and very readable. All our kids have read it as teenagers. Written by two of the greatest Apologists with the regular man and women in mind. Study workbook also available.

“A Ready Defenseby Josh McDowell

An easy reference of historical, scientific and philosophical evidences affirming the validity of the Christian faith. This book is a main source full of facts without being too intellectual. I have been known to browse through this one in carpool line.

“A Case for Easter” by Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel is a legal journalist that set out to prove that the case for Christ was a sham. What he found was exactly the opposite. Lee also authored “A Case for Christ”. However, this book is solely dedicated to the resurrection and crucifixion. Strobel writes with his hard-hitting journalistic style, probing the core issues of the resurrection.

Issues addressed:

  • The Medical Evidence – Was Jesus’ death a sham and his resurrection a hoax?
  • The Evidence of the missing Body – Was Jesus’ body really absent from his tomb?
  • The Evidence of Appearances – was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross?


Game Changing Videos

“He is Risen Indeed”

Pastor Robert Morris Easter 2012

By far the easiest understanding of the crucifixion and resurrection I have seen. It includes accurate historical facts and descriptions.

“Jesus Vindicated”

Tim Keller 2013

Tim gives an outstanding lecture that shows how understanding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus opens up our understanding to the whole Bible.

“The Risen Christ-His peace, power and purpose”

John Piper 2012

John Piper is a speaker like no other and one of my favorites. Just hearing his passion for Christ will have you taking notes.


“God Needs You”

Robert Morris-Easter 2014

The “Why” of Easter and how it changes everything. The most unique Easter sermon I’ve ever heard.

Ah-ha’s all over this one.


Want To Know Jesus Personally?

“Have You Been Born Again?”

After I saw this sermon,  I sent it to everyone I knew. It is amazing for believers and those who want to be.

If I am your Life Coach this is required watching.

 Got more questions? Fire away-we’re here to help. Join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community