A Personal Confession I want you to know

A Personal Confession I want you to know

A Personal Confession I want you to know 2560 1703 Mona Corwin

Confession. I feel like I need to share something about me with you. I hope it will encourage you in your walk.

It’s this:

I was a believer for a long time before I knew God and Jesus very well. I mean I knew them and yes my salvation was secure but I didn’t really know know them.

You know the kind of know that is close enough that you know how a person will respond to an issue or what they will say in a crisis. That kind of know.

And to say I was in love with them… well that just seemed weird.

Plus people kept telling me it was ok if I didn’t read my Bible. God understood that I was a young mom with kids at my feet and a quick devo was enough.

Sweet friend… that was a LIE.

I needed Jesus and His word more than ever. I was a desperate woman who had no idea how to do the mom and wife thing very well.

I was frustrated at myself for messing up all the time and it usually came out as anger or yelling at my kids and snipping at my man.

It wasn’t until I started spending more time in the Word that I started seeing how amazing God and Jesus were and how wonderful the Bible is.

That is when everything changed for me.

Holy Spirit, know as the comforter, teacher, guide of the trinity, was so gentle and kind as the scriptures unfolded for me. I never felt condemned or dumb. I felt convicted for sure, but he was like a coach cheering me on to new cool stuff.

It was like He couldn’t wait to show me stuff. Teaching me ways that my life could have more joy, peace and love was always on the table.

After that I basically just couldn’t get enough of what I was learning. And trust me I didn’t have anyone to help me learn or teach me how to do it.

Funny, I was just thinking, I’m still that way. I love reading my Bible and am amazed at what I find even after all these years. Yes, I’m smiling.

I tell you this story because I know a lot of moms who have been told that you don’t have to spend time with Jesus when your kids are little, Jesus understands.

It makes me sad. Because I know how hard it is to be a mom. And I have experienced the wonderful change that took place because I made the choice to make time for Jesus. And honestly who wouldn’t want wisdom and encouragement. Plus enjoy the feeling of being loved by Father God?

I now spend my time helping moms thrive in their mothering, marriages and not lose themselves in the process. I love teaching them how to study their Bible, have a special time with Jesus, to pray, and memorize scripture is a foundational part of the success they experience.

That’s why I am devoting the entire month of January to helping you “Finally Find Time For Jesus: Your 2019 Spiritual Reset.” It’s FREE inside our Mom Community.

Each week I will be LIVE in our Mastering Your MomLife Community Mon-Wed at 10cst.  Teaching on a topic. Next week we discuss Prayer and Bible Memorization for You and Your Kids. It’s loaded with trusted solutions that work!

But on Thursday something special is offered!!! I’ll be LIVE for a deep dive MomClass on a Zoom call.  It’s FREE too but you have to register so I can send you a link to get into the Zoom call. It’s easy. Just go to the community to get this weeks link!

Registration is necessary each week but it gives you more chances to have your name put into the monthly drawing for a One-on-One call with me, Mona the Mom Mentor ($100 value free) on any topic you like.

So get your spiritual life kick started. And this year fall in love with Jesus. I’ll see you on the inside.

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community