4 Ways To Savor Moments In a Busy Season

4 Ways To Savor Moments In a Busy Season

4 Ways To Savor Moments In a Busy Season 500 334 Mona Corwin

May is a busy time for moms. I have wondered if the “calendar makers” saw this crazy busy time and felt guilty. They must have known mothers were going to have a hectic go of it.

My theory is that’s exactly why a day honoring Mother’s is smack dab in the middle of May. Just look at a little of the list.

Field trips, End of year parties, Proms, Sports Banquets, Scheduling for summer, Older kids coming home.

And don’t forget Weddings, showers, Grad parties.

Ahhh…. There aren’t enough minutes in the month. Lots of busy moms. We hate to rush through it all but what else can you do when busy will be the only description of your month?

My Do Over

As a young mom I missed lots of moments rushing to get it all in and done in Pinterest perfect style. If I had to do it over, I’d savor more of the moments and replace perfect for simple.

I still can get a little frazzled when a hectic week or month come my way. But I have learned a few things. Check them out below.

Here’s The Big Idea

[Tweet “Time will not be managed- You must manage your time. Time will not be managed- You must manage your time. Time will not be managed- You must manage your time. Time will not be managed- You must manage your time.”]

#1 Manage Your Interruptions.                

I know your laughing. You’re a mom and interruptions are the norm. I’m talking about interruptions that are distractions.

  • Turn off all notifications. The amount of distraction from this alone will put calm into your day. You do not have to be notified every time you get an email or when someone pinned your last pin. You don’t have to know if someone pinned your pin. The distraction and having to refocus just isn’t worth it.The amount of distraction from this alone will put calm into your day. You do not have to be notified every time you get an email or when someone pinned your last pin. You don’t have to know if someone pinned your pin. The distraction and having to refocus just isn’t worth it.

Trust me I feel your pain. While I am writing this my email pinged 4 times and that little red circle on my imessage keeps adding numbers. I feel a strong urge to respond. But I know that distraction actually wastes time and I want to get this post out to you.

Instant notification of any kind may make you feel like you are more productive or multi-tasking. But it actually wastes time. Breaking your focus and then realigning your focus takes time. And that time adds up. It’s impossible to savor the moments when you are being jolted in and out of the now. Try one of these strategies:

  • Check your phone only once an hour.
  • Check emails in the morning and evening. You are trying to stay sane during a hectic season. Reading emails and deciding whether you can answer, what to answer or then respond to, adds distraction and urgency that compounds your already full day.

#2 Put Boundaries on Your Social Media

DO NOT skip reading this paragraph- you know I’m right.

Does this sound familiar:

You feel stressed or tired and just want to zone out for a second. You pull up Pinterest or Facebook. You breathe deeply and sigh as you feel the distraction zone arrive and, your shoulders start relaxing. (No need to ask how I know this. Right?) But then you look up and 30 minutes of nothing has past and that’s 30 minutes of nothing done. Result? Guilt ensues along with frustration and relaxed shoulders tense up again.

  • Toss the guilt. You can and should enjoy your social media time. I say schedule it. Savoring special time for just you and your social media. It’s ok in fact it is relaxing. Just make sure you are savoring time and not wasting it.
  • Use boundary bonuses. Make a deal with yourself that you can’t log in until the dishes are done and the kids are in bed. Then get yourself some hot tea and savor your scrolling.
  • Don’t watch the clock. That’s right. You scheduled it and you get it. Use your phone timer to set a done time. Then relax and savor the moment without interruption.
  • Be bold delete the apps from you phone. I know this one has you wondering if that’s going to far. Try it. You can always reinstall them.

 #3 Plan Ahead

One of the perks of being a SAHM is we can be flexible. However, if you know it’s going to be a crazy week or month don’t just let life happen to you. Be proactive and think ahead. Busy times are not the best time to schedule your yearly doctor appointments or sign up for a cooking class. Check out these proactive ideas.

Find an organizer/calendar and use it

  • This has been my best offense as a SAHM. (Don’t miss a resource. Sign up in the sidebar on this page to be notified when a new free content comes out.)
  • Make sure the things you need for school trips and parties are close at hand.
  • Purchase a few gift cards for quick gifts.
  • Write down 10 dinner ideas and get the non-perishables early.
  • Freeze a few extra meals.
  • Make sure you are stocked up on staples like detergent, paper towels and dog food. Extra trips to the store only eat up time.

#4 Intentionally Savoring the Simple

Savoring only happens if you create a calm moment to experience them. It’s not just going to happen. You will have to make it happen. Probably even schedule it. No phone, no TV, no have to’s.

You can be intentional but it will take tenacity to do it. The tyranny of the urgent will always try to grab your moments. During a busy season don’t let it steal your moments.

Simple with your kids

Not everything you do with your kiddos has to be Pinterest worthy. It doesn’t even have to advance their skills or be put on Instagram. Simple means exactly that-simple.

  • Grab a few books to read, play blocks or just tickle.
  • Take a deep breath and just interact with your sweet kiddo.
  • Relish their preciousness and cute noses.
  • Laugh-just laugh and they will laugh too. It’s fun!

While its true that hectic times are inevitable. It is also true that they can still be enjoyed. So, plan ahead. Cut down on distractions that suck your attention. Place boundaries and limits around passive activities. And create intentional simple moments that put a breather into the rush of life and savor the moments.


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Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community