The Vital Role of Motherhood

The Vital Role of Motherhood

The Vital Role of Motherhood 2240 1260 Mona Corwin

Have you ever been at a social gathering, surrounded by people discussing their latest achievements at work? When it’s your turn to share, you proudly talk about your journey as a mom, but the conversation quickly shifts to someone else’s corporate success. 


It feels like being a mom doesn’t hold the same value in today’s world. The sacrifices, sleepless nights, and the unwavering love you pour into raising your children seems overlooked. Society’s emphasis on career accomplishments can make the vital role of motherhood appear less significant. But deep down, you know that being a mom is one of the most important and fulfilling jobs there is.


So kudos to you, mumma, you’ve embraced motherhood, not as an accessory role, but as a significant part of your life, benefiting your children and your marriages. 


Let’s talk about the value of motherhood – based on facts and research. This is important as there’s an alarming decline of motherly intuition. This topic is increasingly relevant in our community today, and it’s crucial that we restore the value of motherhood.


Why The Concern About Motherhood?

Studies reveal a concerning trend: a decline in the number of babies being born. Some of this is due to personal choice, while other factors include societal pressures and misinformation about overpopulation. If we don’t restore the value of motherhood, what will the future look like?


The truth is that motherhood and family structures are under attack. The cultural narrative suggests that being a mother isn’t important. But you know that isn’t true. Motherhood is vital in God’s design and plays a big role in society. 


The decline in motherly intuition is particularly worrying. Historically, women have had a natural instinct to care for their children, but studies show that this is diminishing.


Research by Michael Meaney shows the importance of motherly care. For example, animals that lick and groom their young raise offspring that do the same. Without this nurturing, future generations lack resilience. This natural instinct is so important for both animals and humans, especially in the early years of a baby’s life. So, we’re talking about 2 ideas here: the desire for children AND the instinctive drive to care for them.


Cultural shifts, particularly the feminist movement, have impacted perceptions of motherhood. While advocating for women’s rights and opportunities is important, it can’t come at the cost of undervaluing motherhood. 


You can balance career and family, but for the wellbeing of your family, the needs of young children during their formative years have to be prioritized.

How Do You Advocate for Motherhood?


Moms are uniquely designed to soothe their children. Even before birth, your baby recognizes your voice, heartbeat, and smell. This connection helps regulate your baby’s emotions and stress levels. YOU are essential for their development and well-being. 


Finding a balance is key. It doesn’t mean being with your child every minute – rather being available when they need you. For example, in some other cultures, moms take their babies with them to work. While I understand this isn’t always possible, you have to create an environment where your child feels secure, nurtured, and like their needs are being met.


We need societal change to support and value mothers, recognizing their unique contribution to raising the next generation. 


By restoring the value of motherhood, we ensure a healthier, more resilient future for our children. Let’s cherish and uphold the importance of motherhood, today and always.


Want to join a community of moms who believe in the vital role of mummas? 


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Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community