Redeeming the Helicopter Mom: Advocating for Our Kids

Redeeming the Helicopter Mom: Advocating for Our Kids

Redeeming the Helicopter Mom: Advocating for Our Kids 2240 1260 Mona Corwin

“Ugh, you’re being such a helicopter mom!” 

Has your teenager ever used those words against you? =

Yep, I’ve been there, done that. But let me tell you the other side of the story. It’s not all bad news.

The term “helicopter mom” has often been used in a derogatory manner to describe moms who are overly involved in their children’s lives. 

But rather than let it get me down, I embrace this title.

A helicopter mom isn’t about hovering over every move her child makes. Rather, she has a bird’s-eye view of the situation, understanding the lay of the land, and anticipating what lies ahead. She is vigilant, protective, and above all, deeply invested in her children’s well-being.

Unlike the racecar mom who speeds through life, leaving chaos in her wake, or the drone mom who hovers too close to the ground, a helicopter mom maintains a high vantage point. This allows her to offer guidance and support from above. She is not a spectator but an active participant in her children’s lives, making sure that they navigate the challenges of life with wisdom and grace.

So, in today’s world, being a helicopter mom is practically a badge of honor. You know why? Because it means you’re on top of things. And in a world as crazy as ours, that’s exactly where you need to be.


Who Gets To Have A Say in My Kid’s Lives?

Here’s another area of life that you should be a helicopter mom in: determining who (which adults) has a say in your child’s life. 

In a world where the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” is often thrown around, I boldly believe that instead, it takes a family. As a mother of five, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of family bonds in shaping a child’s upbringing. Sure, we have Sunday school teachers, coaches, and other influencers in our children’s lives, but they are supplements to the foundation laid by the family unit.

I’ve witnessed friends attempting to befriend my children, only to pit themselves against me in misguided attempts at friendship. But the safety and security of my children come first. I am the one who decides who is a safe person for my kids to confide in. 

For example, I’ll explain to my kids who are trusted adults. I’ll say “Ms. so-and-so and Mr. so-and-so, are people mom trusts that you can go to if you need someone else to talk to besides us.” This is setting up our safe place for them to express themselves freely but safely. 


Helicopter Moms & Our Kids Education

Being a helicopter mom is about being vigilant, but it’s also about being proactive and an advocate. It’s about standing up for our kids and making sure they get the education they deserve. I’ve had my fair share of battles with teachers and school officials, but you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Did you know there’s a federal Parental Rights Act that covers all states, cities, counties, and school systems? It’s true! And you better believe I know my rights, and I’m not afraid to use them.

As helicopter moms, we stay on top of school policies, curriculum changes, and educational trends. We know what’s happening in our children’s classrooms, and we’re ready to take action when necessary.

Because at the end of the day, it’s my child’s future on the line, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they succeed.

So, dear mumma, let’s all agree to embrace our inner helicopter mom. Let’s wear that title with pride, knowing that it means we’re responsible, we’re vigilant, and we’re advocates for our children’s education. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being a helicopter mom. Because our kids are worth it.

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community