
3 Tips to Get You Through Hard Mommy-ing Days

3 Tips to Get You Through Hard Mommy-ing Days

3 Tips to Get You Through Hard Mommy-ing Days 2240 1260 Mona Corwin
Did you have one of those days?
The kind that you’re embarrassed to tell people you had? Did you yell too much, act too harsh, or were you just plain mean to your kids?
It happens to us all. But it doesn’t have to happen ALL THE TIME.And the truth is, you can get out of it faster every time.
So, let’s talk about 3 ways you can get through those tough days as a mom.
Tip 1: Remember Your “Why”

Remembering your “why” as a mom is the best way to turn a tough day around. It helps you focus on the bigger picture instead of the chaos happening in the moment.
Why. It’s the reason you stay home with them. The reason you make sacrifices. The reason you prioritize their happiness over your own.
Why? The first answer is simple. They are your kids, and you love them.
Love is the reason.
Of course, there’s more to your why statement, but this is a good start.
You love them with all the passion in your heart. You want the best for them, even things they don’t know they’ll want.
You know who understands this? God. He also has children who mess up and don’t get it. He knew parenting would be tough for you. And He’s the one who will help you through it.
So, on a super hard day, know that God understands your struggle and wants to help you through it. Why? Because YOU are His child, and He loves YOU.
Tip 2: Know Your Triggers

After prayer, knowing what triggers you is the next best way to get a grip on a hard day.
Common triggers for moms:
  • Lack of sleep
  • Too much doom scrolling on social media
  • Lack of exercise
  • No time for self-care
  • Sick kids
  • Not eating enough nutritious food
If any of these show up on your hard day checklist, then making a quick adjustment could stop that day from going from bad to worse.
Remember, God even reminded Elijah in the book of Kings to take a nap and eat a snack [1 Kings 19:5-18].
Being aware of your triggers is essential. Knowing and then adjusting is the key. You can do it!
Tip 3: Remember You Were Made for This

Do you realize that God created women with all the wonders and abilities to take care of and nurture His greatest treasure – little humans?
When God was deciding where to place His most precious possessions here on earth, He looked for the most capable hands. Moms.
Have you noticed that He doesn’t send children to academic scholars or government compounds or even to churches? Nope. He sends His fearfully and wonderfully made babies into the arms of a mother.
And then, just like the father He is, He places the capable arms of an earthly father to protect both mother and child. It is a beautiful thing when a new little family is born. Family is God’s idea and you, Lil Mumma, get to be part of that.
So, next time you have one of those days, remember these tips. Hold on to your “why,” know your triggers, and remember you were made for this.
If you want some support from other moms also going through some hard days, check out the MomsLikeUs Academy. 

[Academy link]

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community