
3 Common Myths About Motherhood

3 Common Myths About Motherhood

3 Common Myths About Motherhood 2240 1260 Mona Corwin

How Christian Moms Can Know the Truth

Isn’t it crazy how God designed our body with all the physical and chemical components, to uniquely fit each stage of life?

Like how at one point in life, you thought boys were yucky and smelly, then all of a sudden, you became interested in them. That’s because your hormones changed. Exactly how God designed it. And how your body changes to grow and sustain life with a baby. If you think about it, it’s really wild!

The same is true all throughout motherhood. It’s is such a profound journey. When we become mothers, something incredible changes inside us. It’s a transformation that God designed, equipping us with the love and strength needed to raise our children. Even if we don’t always feel ready, we find the strength and wisdom we need along the way.

And even though we are well equipped with what God gives us, there are still many challenges that we face. Some challenges come from the lies that culture tells us, that we as Christian moms often believe. Let’s explore these misconceptions and find peace in the truth.


Lie #1: “You can have it all, all at once.”

We often feel the pressure to be everything to everyone, all at the same time. Society tells us that we should be able to balance a thriving career, a spotless home, perfect children, and personal hobbies seamlessly. The truth is, while you can have it all, you can’t have it all at once. It’s important to prioritize and balance, recognizing that it’s okay to focus on different things at different times.

If you have little ones, focus on being present and mindful with your family, especially your children, for now. There will be seasons in life when other areas can take the forefront. Understanding this can help alleviate the pressure to be perfect in every area all the time. Embrace the current phase of your life and give yourself permission to focus on what truly matters right now.


Lie #2: “Quality time is more important than quantity.”

The notion that quality time trumps quantity is a myth. While special moments are important, our children need us at unexpected times. Being there consistently creates those precious, quality moments naturally. Your consistent presence is what builds strong, loving relationships.

Think about the small, everyday interactions – the bedtime stories, the after-school snacks, the casual conversations in the car. These moments might seem mundane, but they are the foundation of a deep, meaningful connection with your children. Consistency provides security and a sense of belonging, which are crucial for their emotional and psychological development.


Lie #3: “Motherhood can be duplicated by others.”

Remember that no one can replace the unique bond you share with your children. While others, like coaches, teachers, and friends, can support and help guide them, your role as a mother is irreplaceable. The love, understanding, and dedication you bring to their lives is unmatched. Your presence and involvement are the most important to their well-being and development.

You know your children better than anyone else. You understand their strengths, weaknesses, fears, and dreams. This deep, intuitive knowledge allows you to nurture and guide them in a way that no one else can. While it’s beneficial to have a support network, your irreplaceable role as a mother is paramount to their growth and happiness.

Once you realize the damage that believing these lies can do, you’ll find that your heart is more at peace with exactly where God has you today.

Being there for your family in the way only you can is invaluable.

So today, and every day, celebrate the beautiful, irreplaceable role you play in your family’s lives and in society as a whole.

You are doing an incredible job, and you are not alone. Motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs, but each moment you spend nurturing and loving your children is a testament to your strength and devotion. Remember, you are valued, cherished, and immensely important. 


At MomsLikeUs, we celebrate you moms! We honor your dedication, love, and the unique role you play in your children’s lives. Keep believing in yourself and the incredible work you’re doing.

P.S. For an extra bonus today, download my free guide: 41 Texts to ROCK Your Man’s Day. 




Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community