Christmas Organizer w/Printables Our gift to You!

Christmas Organizer w/Printables Our gift to You!

Christmas Organizer w/Printables Our gift to You! 1200 630 Mona Corwin

I can almost hear the cry in the streets as women woke up this morning and realized  it’s less than 2 weeks until Christmas! And then I realized I was one of them. YIKES!

Frustration and panic was starting to settle in along with the guilt and the stress. Until I shouted… “NOT THIS YEAR”! It was time for me to give myself a good talking to..and this is what I said.

1.Take a deep breath
I know this sounds trivial but really your shoulders are starting to look like they are part of your ears. We need to deep breath more is moves the blood around and lets face it your turning pale just thinking of all you have to do.

2. Take a media fast
Stay off the news or other information that will add to what’s all ready a ton of stuff in your head. Now is not the time to figure out global warming or how to set your New Years Resolution.

3. Drop the Guilt and try this
Here’s the reality you aren’t going to get everything on Pinterest done this year. So do NOT let guilt and discouragement settle in. Choose a different thought process.

Instead be a forward thinker. Create a Pinterest board right now that’s called “Next Year”. You’re going to see the best Pinterest has to offer during this time. And your friends will have stuff at their next party that you adore. DO NOT try to add them to your already long list for this Christmas. Instead add it to the Next Year List.

Pinterest isn’t a bad place. It’s a great helper. We are the ones that have to find the balance between it helping us and overwhelming ourselves.

4. Get organized with an organizer
It won’t take that much time and it will save you tones in the long run. I have used a Christmas Organizer Notebook for years and I’m telling you it is so worth it.

This year I had our amazing Balanced MomLife team member Ali Lyons create some pretty pages for me. And I want to share them with you for free. Merry Christmas Lil Mumma.

Christmas Organizer free printable download

So get a cup of coffee, print off these pages and pop them in a folder or just staple the thing together (we’re looking for effective not gorgeous right?)

I know the kids might be screaming and the dryer dinging that its done, but lil mumma you got to get those thousands of details out of your brain and on paper so you can focus. The best things in life aren’t things… but we got to get things done!

5.Everyday ask yourself these questions
*What am I grateful for today?
*What is essential today?
*What can I do if I have time?
*What can be put on the next year list?

6.Time for a reality check
Realize this is only a season. It is not a reflection on character or your ability to be a great wife and mom. It’s a holiday. It’s suppose to be happy and cheery. So drop everything at some point in each day and spend time with God, Your man and your darling kids. These are the memory makers. Quiet in front of the tree with a book or The Jesus Advent Tree. Kisses with you man after every little one is asleep. God created celebrations for us to remember. Remember all the things in life that are precious especially His Son.

I’m talking to myself today as well as you lil Mumma. I’m not going to panic when I look at the calendar countdown today and I don’t want you to panic either. Instead I’m going take that deep breath and focus and enjoy the wonders of the Christmas… after I print off my own pretty organizer sheets.

Merry Christmas Lil Mumma.

Mona Corwin, Creator of the MomsLikeUs Academy, Podcast and Community